1 hour

Cooking Time
40 minutes



The Recipe of the Chef

Giusy Di Castiglia


320gr paccheri lisci
150gr small diced red tuna
12 fillets cetara anchovies
150 gr red piennolo
basil to taste
evo oil


Fill a pot with water and salt it. As soon as it comes to a boil, we blanch the cherry tomatoes and when they start and rise to the surface, let’s submerge them in a bowl with water and ice to let them cool and then skin them.

With this water we will cook the pasta in it. In a heated frying pan add garlic, evo oil, 4 fillets of anchovies and 80 g of diced tuna. We sauté and add the piennolo tomatoes, letting them cook for another ten minutes on a low flame along with a ladle of cooking water.

Halfway through cooking the pasta , let’s lower it and finish cooking in the pan , adding cooking water. When cooked, we turn off the flame and stir-fry with evo oil, salt and pepper .

We plate with the remaining part of the anchovy fillets and tuna cubes to finish the dish and create a play of textures, contrasting textures and flavor, all sweetened by the pleasant scent of basil